Sunday, 14 November 2010

Audience Theories and it's relevence:

Here are the following theories and an explanation as to why they apply to my critical investigation:

1) The hypodermic model: This theory suggests that messages in the media are "injected" into the audience. These messages can be a number of things such as representations of groups, ideologies etc. Why this would be applied to my critical investigation question is becuase exposing pictures of women in lads mags can "inject" both thoughts and ideologies into the youth of today. Ideologies such as the subvertive women role could be one of them as these wommen are offfering themselves.

2) Desensitisation: This theory mentions that violence and blaintent sexuality become "less sensitive" as its exposed more and more. Behaviour towards these subjects also become more accepting. This theory would definatly apply to my investigation as lads mags are covered with sexual images. These images would desensitise youth's society into believing that women are sex objects, only existing to please men. This ideology could have a dangerous effect as young boys/men would grow up with patriartic ideologies.

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