Tuesday 21 December 2010

Xmas task 3: Historical textual analysis and research:

For my historical analysis I have decided to analyse the very first issue of Playboy (made in 1953). Why I've decided to analyse a Playboy magazine is mainly becuase it was seen as an innovator of lads mags and also the period in which it was produced is interesting. In 1953, women still did not have such a unique position they have in society today. This was also before second and third wave feminism which would mean that women were seen as not having many rights compared to a man, rather an asset to a man.

Looking at the playboy cover (image left) we can see that Marilyn Monroe is posing. Being an iconic sex symbol, her star appeal would draw in many readers, giving the magazine a chance to gain a readership. The image of her seems inviting as she seems to be waving to the reader, granting them entrance into the magazine. In 1953, the demographic would be ages 18-65 as the magazine would satisfy sexual, safety and (on some degree) social needs.

We see that Marilyn isnt exposing much on this cover (as compared to today's lads mags where models are bare-breasted). By not exposing much, it is mainly her body that is outlined for attraction and not her breasts. This being the case, she is still on that cover for male attraction and being objectified as only a sex object. Being 1953, not many women would object this cover as their complaints would be unheard.

Over the years Playboy has built a dedicated readership due to the girls (or playboy girls) featured and its content (interviews, photoes, reviews etc.). The ideologies held behind this magazine is mainly reflected in the magazine content. On the covers, the women on the magazine are covered, only exposing that which is necessary to draw attraction and choosing what to expose, showing that Playboy does not fully exploit their women to attract male audiences.

Looking at the Nuts magazine (top right corner) we see a much more revealing shot of a model compared to the Playboy magazine. Being first published in 2004, Nuts was one of the first lads mags to exist in the UK. Taking into account the age difference between the two magazines, Nuts has a much more revealing cover with many more revealing pictures inside as as opposed to Playboy. Though from the 1950's onward, women had gained more rights and freedom (through 2nd and 3rd wave feminism, key events such as new forms of contreception) it seems women in lads mags are even more sexually objectified now.

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