Sunday, 19 December 2010


1)Author: Gauntlett, David

Publication Date: (Sep 2002)

Title: Media, Gender and Identity

Publisher: Routledge

"Magazines aimed at women, and increasingly those for men, contains all kind of advice on how to live, look and interact. Even if we only read these items in an ironic state of mind, it must all sink in somewhere".(Page 3) - This quote links to my critical investigation because as im investigating lads mags, the content inside is cruicial to understanding how both genders are stereotyped.

" However many FHM articles get excited about the idea of women as sexual tornados, and love the idea that the women included in their photo shoots would be sexually assertive and enthusiastic". (page 165-166) - This quote explains how women are treated as subordinate in lads mags, only being included in photoshoots to please men.

2) Author: Faludi, Susan

Publication date: (1999)

Title: Stiffed The Betrayal of American Man

Harper Perennial

" Women were regelated there as a sop for their exclusion from the realm of power-striving men. Men arrived there as a result of their power-striving...ruled by commercial values that revolve around who has the most, the best, the biggest, the fastest". - This quote reinforces the ideologies behind the stereotypical, dominant man, always striving to be the alpha male.

3) Author: Nick Lacey

Publication date: (2009)

Title: Image and Representation: Key Concepts In Media Studies

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

" Stereotypes are an invaluable aid to understanding the world and all stereotypes must have, in Perkins terms, "a kernal of truth" or they would not have such an influence on our lives". (page 135) - This quote holds a lot of truth as the stereotypes of men and women does gives an idea of the positions of both genders in the media.

" Although the media has a very strong influence on the dissemination of stereotypes, it must be remembered that they were not created by the media, they are concepts which are part of everyday life". (page 135) - This quote tells us that the stereotypes of women and men was created throughout society, with only media exemplifying these ideas (in this case magazines).

4) Author: Tasker, Yvonne

Publication date: (1998)

Title: Working Girls : Gender and Sexuality in Popular Cinema

Publisher: Routledge

" The contemporary articulation of "strong women" in terms of an agressive sexuality involves a particular kind of objectification and display, one that also picks up on mainstream "post-feminist" discourses". (page 12) - This quote explains that even when women break the stereotype band, they are still objectified in mainstream media.

5) Author: Susan Hayward

Publication date: (2006)

Title: Cinema Studies: The Key Concepts: Second edition:

Publisher: Routledge

" There is a general agreement on the view that pornography in film ( or any other text) can be described as any set of images that exist solely for the purpose of sexual arousal". (page 266) - In my investigation, this quote could mean that the images of both men and women in the magazines are there only to satisfy sexual needs, even if its an advertisement.

" The "pro-pornography" camps takes care to establish differences between various forms of pornography...some versions are unacceptable...other forms can be liberating". (page 266/267) - It's debatable whether images of women in lads mags are liberating or images of men are liberating.

6) Author: Theo Sweeting

Publication date: (2006)

Title: Stereotypes In Gender - representing gender

Title of site:

Full URL:

" Loaded is an example that many readers believe has become increasingly pornographic in its content; as such it has increased the use of female stereotypes, namely as sex objects, the ‘all-looks-and-no-brains’ chauvinistic dream" - This quote exemplifies lads mags using women solely as sex objects, serving the male reader.

" Technology magazines such as T3 often present a semi-nude female model on the front as a sex object to entice a male readership to buy the magazine. Such representations are entirely misleading as to the content of the magazine and are constructed in an entirely cynical way simply in order to sell, thereby proving once again the old adage: sex sells. - This quote explains that in lads mags sex sells. What is displayed on the front cover may not reflect the content provided in the magazine. This relates to my investigation because the lads mags im investigating have covers that show attrative women but sometimes have content that has nothing to do with women.

7) Author: Mee-eun kang

Published date: (1997)

Title: The portrayal of Women's Images In Magazine Advertisements

Publisher: ?

" It has been established in previous research that advertising messages about
women are often stereotypical (e.g., a woman's place is in the home, women
do not make important decisions or do important things, women are dependent
and need men's protection, and men regard women primarily as
sexual objects). - This quote futher reinfoirces the idea of women as sex objects.

" Among the stereotypes typically employed in advertising by the media
are the ideas that women do unimportant things and a woman's place is
in the home".

8) Myra Macdonald

Publisher date: (1995)

Title: Representing Women: Myths of Femininity in the Popular Media

Publisher: Hodder Arnold

" The concept of the stereotype is used to criticize the reduction of the three-dimentional quality of the real to a one-dimentional and distorted form".

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